Main Menu
- Products
- Remote controls
- Universal receivers
- Antennas
- Batteries
- Home automation
- Creasol DomESP1 and DomESP2: Input/output/supply board for ESP8266 module
- Creasol DomBus1: Domoticz board with 2 relays, 6 inputs, 1 AC input
- Creasol DomBusTH: domotic module with temperature+humidity+touch sensors, 3 LEDs, 4 inputs, 2 outputs (also configurable as inputs)
- Creasol DomBus31: 8 relays module for home automation system, with very low power consumption
- Creasol DomBus12: compact module for home automation system, with 9 configurable I/O
- Creasol DomRelay2: compact module with 2 relays with overvoltage protection
- Creasol DomBus23: Smart Home RS485 module with 2x relays, 1x mosfet with dimming function, 2x I/Os, 2x 0-10V analog outputs that can be configured as open-drain outputs, 2x 12/24V opto inputs, 1x 230V opto input
- Creasol DomBus37: 12 analog/digital inputs, 3 AC inputs and 3 relay outputs for building automations
- Creasol DomBusEVSE: smart electric vehicle charging controller for home made DIY wallbox
- Creasol DomBus33 - Smart light controller, with 3 relay outputs, 3 AC inputs, 5 I/Os
- Creasol DomBus32 - Din rail module with 3 relay outputs, 3 AC inputs, 5 I/Os
- Creasol DomBus34 - Din rail module supporting up to 4 energy meters, 2 relay outputs, 1 AC input, 2 inputs
- Creasol DomBus36 - 12 relays DIN-rail module with very low power consumption - DomBus and Modbus protocols
- Creasol DomBusTracker: dual axis solar tracker controller
- Creasol DomBus21: 3 latching relays, 1 AC input, 4 analog/digital inputs
- Creasol DomBus38: 6 relays, 1 AC input, 12 inputs
- Support
- Universal receivers
- Remote controls and transmitters
- Domotics
- Home automation system sending IP camera snapshot on Telegram group when someone push the doorbell
- Domoticz LUA script that check if doors/windows are open
- USB weather meteo station connected to Raspberry PI and Domoticz
- Installing ESPEasy firmware on NodeMCU v3 board, and configuring it to be used with Domoticz
- Installing an optimized Rasbian + Domoticz image on Raspberry PI4 or PI3
- Domoticz LUA script to manage one or more pushbutton switches
- Domoticz automatically reset router if internet connection is down
- Domoticz LUA script that checks and manages power consumption
- Free domotic system controlling heat pump to optimize power consumption from photovoltaic
- Domoticz, reliable free and open source home automation system
- Kia connect - Hyundai Blue Link and Domoticz plugin
- Relays modules for Domoticz home automation system
- Complete and easy burglar alarm system using Domoticz free home automation system
- Creasol DomBus and Home Assistant
- Smart electric vehicle charging - Controlling the electric car by a domotic system like Domoticz, Home Assistant, Node-RED, ...
- Photovoltaic and renewable energy
- How to build a domotic system using DomBus modules
- Monitoring rainwater tank level using DomBus modules and ultrasonic distance sensor
- Plug and Play Home Automation kits with Domoticz
- Node-RED and Creasol DomBus Smart-Home modules
- Measure the consumed/produced energy with Domoticz, Home Assistant, Node-RED, OpenHAB, ...
- FAQ veicoli elettrici e fotovoltaico
- Domoticz Tips & Tricks
- Saving SD to an image, and restoring an image to the SD
- Making a DIY homemade Smart Wallbox working with Home Assistant to charge electric vehicles
- Micro inverter WVC-2000 characteristics
- Replacing an old Domoticz device with a new one, without loosing old telemetries (calendar data)
- Fire alarm detection with Domoticz home automation system
- Connecting a network of DomBus modules through TCP (WiFi, Ethernet, ...)
- Domoticz: how to fix data in the database domoticz.db and manage database backups
- Domoticz: LUA script to create SelfConsumption, SelfSufficiency, TotalUsage, TotalProduction devices
- Starter Kit to build a simple/scalable home automation system that increases self-consumption controllng air conditioning, heaters, boiler to consume all energy from photovoltaic
- Using Rock PI S as a home automation system / domotic controller
- Implementing a Water Flow Meter in my home automation system
- Howto make a homemade wallbox to charge electric vehicles
- Linux
- Info