In our store we have several kits already equipped with software to start your home automation system using Domoticz software, a free open-source software written in C++, fast and reliable.
Software update is always a problem with Home Assistant? Try Domoticz, and you'll start loving the Domoticz beta version with auto-upgrade feature, and its stability!

Yes, Home Assistant looks very nice and have tons of integration, but is sometimes complicated to get rid of continuous upgrades with integrations that stop working: if you want a domotic system managing hundreds of devices in a Raspberry PI or even in a Rock PI hardware, Domoticz is much better, because it's fast, low memory usage and reliable.

Our kits uses Linux operating system, because Windows is 100% unsuitable for stable home automation systems that are able to manage lights, heat pump, alarm sensors, energy monitoring and load balancing to optimize own consumption when using photovoltaic on the roof. They have a web UI that is sufficient to manage almost everything:  you can access to the Domoticz UI by Smartphone using a browser, app and HTTP shortcuts icons to activate single devices or scenes.

Click to list of all kits available in our store!

  • Rock Pi S mini kit: small form factor computer with metal case, high endurance MicroSD with Domoticz already installed and equipped with DomBus plugin.
  • Rock PI S kit with DomBus23 module to get 1 led stripe dimmer, 2 relay outputs, 1 230Vac input, 2 12/24V inputs, 2 I/Os and 2 analog outputs 0-10V: it can be used to regulate a 12/24V led strip, open a gate or garage door with smartphone, control lights or other loads, ....
  • Rock PI S kit with some parts to make a Smart single-phase wallbox: same as before, adding 1 DomBusEVSE (control EVSE module to make a wallbox), 1 contactor 40A, 2 energy meters, 1 12V power supply + 1 power supply 5V to supply Rock PI S.
  • Rock PI S kit with DomBus34 and 1 energy meter to keep account of power and energy consumed by the house with nice charts, activating loads (heaters, dehumidifers, ...) when power from electricity grid goes negative (solar photovoltaic is producing) and monitoring of 230V mains to critical appliances (fridges, heat pump, ...).
  • and much more.


telegram icon Support is available through the Telegram channel DomBus (English language) and DomBus_it (Italian language)

How to use custom icons with Domoticz?

To get a better user interface and floorplan with proper icons, it's possible to check the web page where are listed two Domoticz icons galleries.