The following script check temperature for one or more zones, to find out if windows or doors are open: in that case send notification by Telegram
Useful to avoid energy consumption during winter or summer, when someone forget windows/doors open.
The up-to-date version of this file is avaible at
[code]-- Script that checks temperature and try to discover if doors/windows are open: in that case sends notification by Telegram.
-- Useful to limit energy consumption in winter and summer, if someone forgets windows or doors open.
-- This script should be named DOMOTICZ_HOME/scripts/lua/script_time_SCRIPTNAME.lua , e.g. /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_openwindows.lua
-- It will be called every minute and will check and compare, for each zone (defined below), the current temperature with previous temperature.
-- The following user variables must be set:
-- telegramChatid : the Telegram chat ID where notifications should be sent : see
-- telegramToken : the Telegram token : see
-- HeatingOn: a variables that assumes the following values
-- 0 => Heating/Cooling system is OFF
-- 1 => Heating is ON
-- 2 => Cooling is ON
-- Creasol -
debug=1 -- if True, print debug information
-- zones: array that associate for each zone the name of the temperature device, and max difference for temperature
-- This script automatically create a variable zTemp_ZONENAME that contains the temperature measured before
zones={ --zonename {tempsensor,difference}
['Stireria']={'Temp_Camera',0.6}, --TODO: replace Temp_Camera with Temp_Stireria
commandArray={} -- reset commandArray, an associative array that will contain the list of commands for Domoticz.
function telegramNotify(msg)
os.execute('curl --data chat_id='..uservariables['telegramChatid']..' --data-urlencode "text='..msg..'" "'..uservariables['telegramToken']..'/sendMessage" ')
function min2hours(mins)
-- convert minutes in hh:mm format
return string.format('%02d:%02d',mins/60,mins%60)
function timedifference (s)
year = string.sub(s, 1, 4)
month = string.sub(s, 6, 7)
day = string.sub(s, 9, 10)
hour = string.sub(s, 12, 13)
minutes = string.sub(s, 15, 16)
seconds = string.sub(s, 18, 19)
t1 = os.time()
t2 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds}
difference = os.difftime (t1, t2)
return difference
function checkVar(varname,vartype,value)
-- check if create, if not exist, a variable with defined type and value
-- type=
-- 0=Integer
-- 1=Float
-- 2=String
-- 3=Date in format DD/MM/YYYY
-- 4=Time in format HH:MM
local url
if (uservariables[varname] == nil) then
telegramNotify('Created variable ' .. varname..' = ' .. value)
url=domoticzUrl..'/json.htm?type=command¶m=saveuservariable&vname=' .. varname .. '&vtype=' .. vartype .. '&vvalue=' .. value
-- openurl works, but can open only 1 url per time. If I have 10 variables to initialize, it takes 10 minutes to do that!
-- commandArray['OpenURL']=url
os.execute('curl "'..url..'"')
uservariables[varname] = value;
if (debug) then print('------------------------- openwindows --------------------------------') end
timenow ="*t")
minutesnow = timenow.min + timenow.hour * 60
checkVar('HeatingOn',0,0) -- 0=heating off, 1=heating on, 2=cooling on
for n,v in pairs(zones) do -- check that temperature setpoint exist
-- n=zone name, v=array with temperature sensor name and max acceptable temperature drop in degrees
checkVar('zTemp_'..n,1,otherdevices[v[1]]) -- if zTemp_Cucina does not exist, create variable and store current temperature
if (otherdevices[v[1]]==nil) then
telegramNotify('Zone '..n..': temperature sensor '..v[1]..' does not exist')
if (uservariables['HeatingOn']==1) then
-- Heating enabled
-- compare zTemp_ZONE (old temperature) with current temperature
for n,v in pairs(zones) do
-- n=zonename (HeatingSP_n = setpoint temperature)
-- v[1]=tempsensor
-- v[2]=max difference
if (diffTemp>=0) then
-- current temperature > old temperature: update old temperature
-- current temperature < old temperature
-- compute gradient (diffTemp/TIME)
gradient=diffTemp*60/timedifference(uservariables_lastupdate['zTemp_'..n]) -- degrees/minute
--if (diffTemp<=-0.2) then
if (debug) then print('Zone='..n..' gradient='..string.format('%0.3f',gradient)..' Temp='..otherdevices[v[1]]..'C diffTemp='..diffTemp) end
if (math.abs(gradient)<(0.2/30)) then -- temperature falls slowly, less than 0.2C on 30 minutes
-- |gradient|=v[2]) then
telegramNotify('Zone '..n..': window open!! Gradient='..string.format('%0.2f',gradient*60)..'K/hour');
commandArray['Variable:zTemp_'..n]=otherdevices[v[1]] -- update zTemp_ZONE temperature
elseif (uservariables['HeatingOn']==2) then
-- HeatingOn=2 => Cooling
-- HeatingOn=0 => Heating or Cooling = OFF => don't check windows
if (debug) then
for i, v in pairs(commandArray) do
print('### ++++++> Device Changes in commandArray: '..i..':'..v)
return commandArray[/code]