
Creasol DomBus devices are home automation modules that manage inputs, outputs and sensors, available with two protocols:
DomBus proprietary protocol (works with Domoticz controllers) and Modbus RTU standard protocol that works with Home Assistant, Node-RED and other controllers.

Actually we produce the following modules:

  • DomBusTH: Temperature + Relative Humidity sensors, red + green + white LEDs, 4 GPIO, 2 open-drain outputs, 1 analog input
  • DomBus12: 7 GPIO, 2 open-drain outputs (configurable also as inputs)
  • DomBus23: 2 relay outputs, 1 mosfet output (for 12-24V LED dimming or other DC loads), 2 analog outputs 0-10V, 2 GPIO, 2 low voltage opto-inputs (5-40V), 1 230Vac opto input
  • DomBus31: low power module with 6 N.O. relay outputs + 2 N.O./N.C. relay outputs
  • DomBus32: 3x relays, 3x 230Vac inputs, 5 IOs
  • DomBus33: 3x relays, 3x 230Vac inputs, 5 IOs with special firmware to control 3 lights activated by existing step-by-step relays
  • DomBus36: 12x relays
  • DomBus37: 12x inputs, 3x 230Vac inputs, 3x relay outputs
  • DomBusEVSE: EVSE module usable to build a smart wallbox (electric vehicle charging station)
  • ...

Modules are available at and explained in details at

Using DomBus modules it's possible to make a full domotic system: the following picture describe a real example of a house using Domoticz + DomBus modules to control:

  • full alarm system, with PIR and magnetic contact sensors on windows/doors/blinds
  • climate control (heating and cooling by heat pump) with optimizations to use the most energy from renewable (photovoltaic system on the roof)
  • ventilation control, disabling air renewal, in winter, when the wind blows from certain directions (to prevent combustion fumes from entering the house)
  • lights on/off control
  • 230V sockets that can be enabled/disabled by smartphone
  • garden irrigation and rainwater tank level measure/control
  • door bell control: when someone ring the bell, send a picture to the smartphone by Telegram. Obviously, it's also possible to open the gate or pedestrian gate by smartphone
  • when presence/movement is detected outside, with the alarm enabled, grab a short 20s video from IPcam near the outdoor sensor and send video to Telegram.

DomBusTH is a really powerful and cheap board, to be mount on a blank cover with a 4mm hole in the center, with a touch sensor (to have a virtual pushbutton) that measures emperature and humidity, and have 3 LEDs: red and green LEDs are used to notify alarm, ventilation or electricity power import/export status, and white led is used as night light and emergency light (in case of blackout). Also, it can be connected to piezo buzzer for sound alerts, pushbutton switches, and external relay module DomRelay2 to control 230V sockets or roller shutter motor.

Also, GPIO/input of DomBus modules can be connected to energy meter with pulsed output, to measure the current imported/exported power. As written above, it's possible to show the actual imported/exported power on RED/GREEN Leds of a DomBusTH module.

Other modules are available at and fully described at


Using the Home Assistant Modbus integration it's possible to use our modules provided with Modbus RTU firmware: Modbus protocol is standard and well supported by Home Assistant as like as other systems (Node-RED, OpenHAB, ...).

Configuration examples are available on GitHub page.

Using DomBusEVSE module with Home Assistant

DomBusEVSE is a smart module that permits to get a home-made EV charging station Mode-3 for vehicles.

The Modbus version of DomBusEVSE can be used with the HomeAssistant hub using the native Modbus integration.

More information are available in the product page, where it's possible to know how to get it working with HA, and in the specific page for HomeAssistant.

Home assistant dashboard for DomBusEVSE module

DomBus36, a 12 relays module with Home Assistant

DomBus36 is a simple module with 12 relay outputs, grouped in 3 groups to have an easier wiring: each group share the same common, so you don't need to make jumpers to connect the common wire (Line, Neutral, Ground or +12/24V) to all relays.
Relays are protected from overvoltage and overcurrent, and module has a very low power consumption: less than 15mW with all relays OFF, and less than 750mW when all 12 relays are ON. Please compare with the power consumption of a Shelly, Sonoff, Denkovi or KMTronic module!

Using DomBus36 module with Home Assistant and Modbus protocol
Using DomBus36 module with Home Assistant and Modbus protocol, already integrated in HA. The 12 ports (entities) are configured in the configuration.yaml file.

DomBus37, a versatile module with 12 low voltage inputs, 3 AC inputs and 3 relay outputs

DomBus37 is a versatile module integrating inputs, AC inputs (to sense 230V presence) and relay outputs.
In the application note below the simplest configuration with Home Assistant.
12 inputs, 3 AC inputs and 3 relay outputs module with HomeAssistant

Using DomBus12 to measure water tank level, temperatures, start irrigation and light, check alarm sensors

DomBus12 is a compact and cost effective module with 9 I/Os. Each I/O can be configured as button, switch, double-pushbutton (UP/DOWN pushbutton connected to a single port), counter, meter, NTC temperature sensor, distance sensor, buzzer, led, ...

Using DomBus12 module to measure temperature, tank level, start irrigation and lights, check alarm sensors